I've been collecting whiskeys for more than a third of a century. Began when I took trips throughout the World from the 1980's. I must still have a dozen bottles still in the original cardboard box, mostly from Japan. Below are some of them. One is in a wooden box, Royal Lochnager. A
36-year old bottle of this scotch is today sold for $4774.
Another is Korean Bulhui folk liquor. Not sure what it is. It could well cost only $10, but don't know.
Another is almost as mysterious. Rokubee in a ceramic bootle made by Nikka , which costs $430/bottle.
Something more traditional, Royal Salute 21-years old blended whiskey, produced by Chivas, and costs $235.
I'd swear I bought this Nikka Yoichi 20-year old for around $100, if not less. Cost today?
This all began when Masataka Taketsuru in 1918, went to Scotland to study chemistry at Glasgow University. He then trained as a blender in Campbelltown and Speyside, got married to a Scottish girl, went home, and with Suntory's founder Shinjiro Torii, exactly a century ago, formed Yamazaki distillery. He died, at age 85 in 1979, and did not live long enough to experience his tectonic impact of the field.
Read his story of how love changed the scotch landscape.
Bringing you up to date, here are the
World Whiskies Awards for 2023. They have so many kinds of awards these days that these values are diluted. Ichiro's Malt and Grain Japanese Blended Whisky, Taketsuru Pure Malt and Niigata Kameda New Pot Peated won awards.
Be careful about buying the current Hibiki in the same-looking bottle as the original:
Hibiki is the noble blend of malt and grain whiskies from Suntory’s distilleries. These are delicately blended to unfold a full orchestra of flavours and aromas. The core range includes Hibiki Japanese Harmony, Hibiki 12 Years Old, Hibiki 17 Years Old, Hibiki 21 Years Old, and Hibiki 30 Years Old.
Hibiki 12-year old, that not too long ago sold for $75 or so, is now $900. Hibiki Harmony is $100.

Must show these Japanese whisky bottles, for as much as I'm saving some long-ago purchased legends, here are what I'm drinking today.
We have three more bottles, opened, but kept in original wooden cases, only drunk for special occasions.
The Kurayoshi 27-year old is $1400, Kurayoshi 25-year old $1000 and Tottori 23-year old $750. You'll see Kurayoshi, Tottori and Matsui on labels because Matsui Distillery is located in Kurayoshi, a city found in Tottori Prefecture.
One more thing, note the spelling. Whisky is used in Scotland, Canada and Japan. Whiskey in the USA and Ireland.
But this posting is supposed to mostly be about
- Distillery is in Craigellachi, Moray, Scotland.
- Original distellery in Speyside in 1824.
- Highland Distillers, now Adrington, took over the company in 1996.
- It did not focus on single malts until the early 1980s.
- Opened up the luxury whisky market.
- Is the second or third highest selling single malt scotch, next to Glenfiddich at #1 and Glenlivet.
- Can be found as 10, 12, 25, 30 and 40 year-olds.
- 1824 Collection and Quest Collection sold in duty free shops.
- They also offer rare and special releases.
- In 2010 a 65-year old in crystal was sold at an auction for $460,000, and donated to charity.
- In 2018, a 60-year old was sold for $1.38 million.
- In 2019, another 60-year old sold for $1.9 million.
- A bottle of Isabella's Islay, however,is the most expensive whisky with a price of $6 billion. Part of this is because the decanter contains 8,500 diamonds, 300 rubies and white gold.
Well, earlier this week I brought down a bottle of Macallan Quest, and our 15 Craigside table drunk most of it. Thought I'd check how much this cost, and found prices from $300 to $500. This is what led to this subject today.
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