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Showing posts with the label Paul Theroux


  A few postings ago, I was musing on how travel and movies are related.  For example: I enjoy those films that occur in places I have visited. Sometimes, those movies allow me to live vicariously, that is, transpose myself into certain settings. Then, too, there are places I will never visit because they are too physically challenging or dangerous or not within my current need for luxury. So here are a few films that allow me to enjoy them as a safe watcher, for I would not ever want to in that location or situation. To start, I noticed there were free films from SLING on my Roku site, so I thought I'd give them a try.  I hate cold and will never again go to Russia.    Transsiberea n  appeared to be just about right.   Rotten Tomatoes  gave ratings of 91 by reviewers and 65 by audiences.  When there is a huge discrepancy between the two, I usually like audience over reviewers.  However, the awfulness factor seemed attractive s...


There are those who physically circle the globe, as for example, from the  New York Times  this morning: For more than 20 years, the British adventurer Alastair Humphreys roamed the planet. He rowed across the Atlantic, traversed India on foot,  cycled around the world . In his lovely essay “ A Single Small Map Is Enough for a Lifetime ,” published last month, he writes that climate change and familial commitments have caused him to narrow his horizons of late, to seek diversion in his own backyard, “on the fringes of a city in an unassuming landscape, pocked by a glow of sodium lights and the rush of busy roads. ” Particularly note his  global bicycle adventure : 60 countries. 5 continents. Up to an altitude of 16,000 feet between Peru and Argentina. Biked through temperatures as low as  -40 F, which amazingly enough is also -40C . 46,000 miles. On the way, Mr Humphreys has raised more than £13,000 for British-based charity Hope and Homes for Children, which su...


I've had about a dozen around the world trips, all by air going west.  The first was around 40 years ago on  Pan Am 1 .  Since then, perhaps a dozen or so with Star Alliance. I thought I'd do one more, so this spring I'll be heading west again on plane and ship.  Three cruises will be part of my global adventure.   The way the itinerary settled, with United and Star Alliance now a shadow of what they once were, I selected flights from whatever airline had the best time in business class, for in going west, it's best to leave in the late afternoon, so you can get to your destination before it gets dark.  You can't do this in an eastward direction. Plus, Emirates Air could take me from Bangkok to Dubai, with a nice three hour rest in their lounge, then on to Munich, all in First Class, at a fabulously low cost.  6773 miles for $3675.  In comparison, a one-stop Lufthansa flight from Munich to San Francisco, a distance of 5862 miles, costs $8000 ...