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Showing posts with the label Osama bin Laden


Before getting into the COVID-19 Pandemic, here is a New York Times viewpoint from this morning on how Biden will tax the very rich: The data is a reminder of   just how far   taxes on the wealthy have fallen over the past 70 years. In the decades just after World War II, many corporations paid about half of their profits in federal taxes. (Shareholders, who are disproportionately affluent, effectively pay those taxes). Today, corporate taxes are   only about one-fourth as large , as a share of G.D.P., as they were in the 1950s and ’60s. Also from the NYT: Bill and Melinda Gates are divorcing , raising questions about the future of their philanthropic foundation. I began reading Gates' new book, How to Avoid a Climate Disaster . Bill McKibbens' review , where he starts with: First things first — much respect to   Bill Gates   for his membership in the select club of ultrabillionaires not actively attempting to flee Earth and colonize Mars . For the record, here...