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Miracles are important in  The Bible .  Here are  seven  of them.   Jesus  is prominent in the field of miracles.   Buddha  similarly had supernatural feats, as did Hindu Shiva.  All religions depend on miracles, with the  revelation of the Quran  being the greatest by Muslims.  And, of course there too are  modern-day miracles . Joe Biden needs a couple of miracles to prevail over Donald Trump.  One of them could come tomorrow from the Supreme Court.  If Trump is announced not to be immune from prosecution, that could become a game-changer.  A sentence of 4 years in jail by Judge Juan Merchan in eight days will only add to Trump's desperation. Whether you believe  The Bible  or scientists, the sudden appearance of Earth or the Big Bang from essentially nothing....they are all difficult to explain, and each one surely falls in the category of miracles.  The creation of life qualifies, then the evolution of us,  Homo sapiens , deserves mention. From the Pew Forum on Religion and Pub