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Our stay in Nara was, well, nearly perfect.  Yesterday, we did not see a cloud, so the sunlight enhanced the oranges and reds.  Today, it was cloudy all day, on our train rides from Nara to Kyoto to Shin-Yokohama to Yokohama Station.  But about Nara, we did not expect much, but it was the highlight of our Fall Colors visit.  While the cruise was fine, Hokkaido was a disappointment, which largely carried through in Tokyo and Nagoya.  Then everything got better and better. Need to show a couple more photos I missed enclosing yesterday.  First, we saw a persimmon tree where you couldn't count the number of fruits.  What is your estimate? That was in Nara Park.  Secondly, Nara has all that history and religiosity, but is today mostly a sprawling city.  While Nara Park is truly a national treasure, the city itself is nicely symbolized with this photo. You say, why?  See the middle of the above photo?  Then target that religious middle. In essence, that has happened because of "prog