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Showing posts with the label Honolulu Skyrail


First, some latest news: China's economy seems to be tanking .   One serious problem is that the unemployment rate among young people ages 16-24 was 21.3% last month, a new record high.  This group is relatively well educated, and could cause problems. But before you get too elated, their second quarter gross domestic product grew by "only" 6.3%.   The USA GDP is growing by 2.3% . With the release of  Speak Now,  at #1,  Taylor Swift  has become the first female to have four albums on the Billboard Top 10 list.  She now also has the most #1 albums in history, passing Barbra Streisand with eleven.  Herb Alpert and Prince are two males who also had 4 at once. I've long felt that Hawaii was in a rut.  Sure Skyline is new, but is only a pale shadow of what it should have been if completed a quarter century ago, for  ridership is 21 times below  what were low projections anyway.  Worse, the actual cost to operate Skyl...