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Showing posts with the label Brother Noland


Any regular reader of this blog site knows that I'm old, for I live at 15 Craigside, a seniors' community in Honolulu.   For the past 15 years I've taken two lengthy trips/year, at least half a dozen being global, that is, around the world....usually about two months long.   More recently, cruises have encroached, as our most recent journey involved a Norwegian Encore 39-day sail from Seattle to Southampton (UK), plus a Viking Tir European Christmas cruise of 14 days from Amsterdam to Budapest.  Our next extravaganza in a month will involve flying to Kansai Airport, Japan, to participate in the Osaka World Expo, then an Oceania cruise from Yokohama to Vancouver. However, I've come to that point in life when I am beginning to enjoy life more at home than not.  Nothing fancy. Mostly writing this daily blog, something I have been daily doing for almost 17 years My first posting was on  29April2008 . You know how long this has been? Beginning with kinderga...