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Showing posts with the label Heathrow Airport


Our cruise on the Norwegian Encore from Seattle to Southampton, UK, is over.  Day 35, yesterday, might well have been the worst day, while Day 1 on land, mostly in Amsterdam, could well have been the best day of the trip.  I'll explain. To begin, I began to have some sleep problems during the final few days on the ship.  The final night was the worst, with only one hour of sleep.  This was partly because of the stress of having to awake at 5AM to be off the ship at 7AM.  Just the thought of then having to catch a bus to Heathrow Airport, then fly to Amsterdam was stressful.  Well, on the bus, and goodbye to the Norwegian Encore. After an hour and a quarter, Heathrow Airport.  Got there at 8:30.  Our flight was to leave at 2:15PM.  On the board were signs that indicated you could not check in to the flight until 2 hours before departure, which meant a wait of almost four hours.  But then, we learned that business class passengers can go t...

OMGA 4: The Moxy Matter

 One quick summary of Donald Trump's hush money trial, then on to the Moxy Matter. Court is closed today so Trump can attend son Baron's graduation in Florida. Continues Monday on the final day of the defense trying to break down Michael Cohen. How many more Republicans will show up in person for the trial on Monday?  Can't imagine Melania will. Prosecutors called 19 witnesses., unless they surprise the judge and prosecution. Final arguments, as currently planned, should come on Tuesday. Hate to say this will be a hung jury, but in this day and age, not totally comprehending why so many remain Trump fans. it's difficult to imagine that all 12 jurors  will vote guilty. Hung jury not all that bad for Democrats, for this will just mean this trial will again be held, but when? Our OMGA ( O ur  M onumental  G lobal  A dventure ) circumnavigation was mostly good, but had some down moments. At least two of the cruises had Covid outbreaks, some...