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Showing posts with the label Walt Disney


About The Donald bringing an end to Democracy in the USA,   The Independent   featured Sir Michael Caine, a 91-year actor: One such person who shared their thoughts on the incident was   Get Carter   and   I nterstellar  actor Caine, who simply wrote on X/Twitter: “Calm down Trump.” He followed this up with a post referencing one of the most famous quotes from his 1969 film   The Italian Job , which saw him memorably utter: “You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!” Caine wrote in the second post: “You’re only suppose to sign a cease fire [sic].” Many concurred with the actor’s words, celebrating its succinctness, with one person stating: ‘Excellent, no notes. ”   Thomas Friedman of the  New York Times  remarked on this incident.  If you can't access that newspaper,  Raw Story  has a coverage.  Here are Friedman's first two paragraphs.  The drama going on between President Trump and President Volodymy...


Here is something you almost certainly did not know.    Pascale Christine Baeriswy l of Switzerland is now President of the United Nations Security Council.  Do you know who she replaced?    Vasily Nebenzia , Russia's ambassador to the UN.  Somehow, the World survived his month in office.  Another thing you did not know.  This position changes monthly.   Surely you must know that the ninth Secretary-General of the UN, who took office in 2017, is Antonio Guterres of Portugal.  But if this position is for 5 years, why is he still in office?  Because you can get a second term.  So he's good until the end of 2026. Next, a graphic from the morning  New York Times .  The previous  Great Recession  was from December 2007 to June 2009. The U.S. GDP did not recover until the third quarter of 2011.  Unemployment rose to 10% in October of 2009 and took until May of 2016 to drop back to 4.7%.  The...


As I sit down to do my blog today, I don't see anything of particular relevance happening anywhere.  Yet, I can't believe I'm actually posting on The Mickey Mouse Club.  It just shows people can change, for I once actually watched this TV show.  Today, I avoid their animated productions and would dread the thought of being stuck on a Disney cruise. Here is the 65th Anniversary Diamond Edition of the original 1955-59 cast.  And the complete Mickey Mouse Club Story . Annette Funicello was one of the originals in 1955 at the age of 12.  She went on to those Beach Party movies with Frankie Avalon.  However, at the age of 22 she got married and largely retired.  She was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1993 and passed away in 2013. Also too, Ryan Gosling, Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake. How much do you know about Mickey?  He began as Oswald the Lucky Rabbit in 1927, but Walt Disney had difficulty gaining rights to that character, so he creat...