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Showing posts with the label Haleakala

PRIDE OF AMERICA: Honolulu to Maui

Oh, oh...I don't have the right connecting cord from my phone to computer, so will need to use my iPhone.  In any case, we left Honolulu at 7PM last night, enjoyed a good show in the theater and brought back to our cabin a prime rib dinner. I'll show that photo at the end of the trip when I return home.  Then a good night sleep and arrival in Kahului, Maui.  That is Haleakala in the background.  Breakfast: I ended yesterday with some fun facts about Oahu.  So today, I'll do the same for  Maui .  ( You can get details on each by clicking on that link .) 20 Maui Facts Maui is the second largest of the Hawaiian Islands One of the world’s largest dormant volcanoes is on Maui “Valley Isle” is Maui's nickname Maui has multiple pineapple farms There are only two volcanoes on Maui Approximately 10,000 humpback whales migrate to Maui each year The Hana Highway includes 59 bridges and 620 curves You can explore a sugar museum on Maui! Maui is home to the third l...