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Showing posts with the label freedom and liberty


The planned signing ceremony in the White House Oval Office of the USA extorting Ukraine to give up its rare earth elements for peace with Russia  exploded into a shouting match among Ukrainian President Volodmyr Zelenskyy, President Donald Trump and Vice-President JD Vance.   Zelenskyy was kicked out of the White House. What happened?  There will be reports citing White House, media and Russian views, but my take is that this meeting was planned as an ambush for Trump to extract his revenge stemming from his  first impeachment  in 2019.   Further orchestration becomes obvious when  Senator Lindsey Graham ( R-South Carolina ) immediately called on Zelenskyy to resign .  The whole misadventure surely looked like that scene in films you've seen of a schoolyard bully beating up a classmate.  It was terrible to witness. From  Fox News : After the Friday meeting, Zelenskyy wrote on X, "Thank you America, thank you for your support, thank...


Today is Memorial Day, a national holiday to remember those who died in our wars, since the Revolutionary War, nearly 1.2 million military personnel.   Nearly half from the Civil War .  In comparison, those Covid-19 deaths passed 1.1 million in four years.  This day is a good time for you to reflect on their ultimate sacrifice as we continue to fight for freedom and justice around the world.  This not a happy day, but a meaningful one. From  Time  magazine : After the Civil war, was called Decoration Day to honor the graves of fallen Union soldiers at the end of May because of springtime blossoms. The holiday only became official in 1968. The day has shifted from solemnity to celebration, with American flags at half-mast and a moment of silence at 3PM. Finally, the price of freedom is expensive.   The USA spends more on defense than the next 9 countries, combined . There will be ceremonies at military graveyards, parades, barbecues and the li...