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JACSE: Japan Autumn Cruise and Shinkansen Experience

 I was reminded that I don't have a name for our current trip.   For example, there was  My Ultimate Global Adventure  or MUGA of 2013, where I flew First Class Around the World in 51 days.   My Ultimate Fantasy Adventure , or MUFA of 2014, was in business class, only in the Orient, and was about a month long.  My Global Around the World Adventure,  or GAWA in 2015, lasted 65 days.  They were all wonderful. So I need an acronym or initialization ( not sure what the difference is ).  Some don't work: JAP for  J apan  A dventure for  P at:  Jap is a nasty perjorative, and I wasn't alone on this trip. OFAL for  O ur  F all  A utumn  L ayover: animal organs don't impart good memories, although, we really did not do much, so the L part makes sense. ACE for  A utumn  C olors  E xtravaganza:  no, we missed the colors on Hokkaido, and much of what we've seen so far has been spotty. On this trip to  J apan we took a cruise, had too much to  d rink and  e at,  s lept a whole


At one time tea, and especially coffee, were on the negative list for your health.  Then both drinks gained in  respect by health authorities. More recently tea has further improved its standing, even for resulting in loss of weight.   More so than coffee. Healthline lists  six best teas to lose weight and belly fat .  This aromatic beverage is most commonly made from the leaves of  Camellia sinensis , a type of evergreen shrub native to Asia. Green tea. 11 studies have shown that green tea should help reduce BMI for those with type 2 diabetes.  But will it work if you are normal?  Probably, too. It is believed that catechins, naturally occurring antioxidants in the green, increase your metabolism for gat burning. Matcha, a highly concentrated powedered green team also works. Puerh tea. This is a type of Chinese black tea that has been fermented. Has an earthy aroma that increased with time of storage. Animal studies also show that puerh tea halps lower blood sugar and regulate fatty a