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Showing posts with the label water


A lot of Trump stuff in the news, but I'll let you  watch the Lawrence O'Donnell Show on MSNBC to bring some reality to what is happening .   Senate today votes on whether  Pete Hegseth  becomes Secretary of Defense. That  DEI order  about the federal government order.  This is just the beginning of what will affect people of color, especially African Americans, in the years to come.  Many of them are going to be pissed about voting for Trump. The mass deportation arrests have begun .  In time there will also be a lot of irritated Hispanics. President Donald Trump is visiting North Carolina and California today .  Want to know how your state will be accommodated if you have a cataclysmic natural disaster?   See what he says today .  Hawaii is in bad trouble, for a higher percentage of presidential voters supported Biden than California, and our governor flew to DC to protest the nomination of RFK Jr. for health secret...


The death toll for Category 4 Hurricane Helene is now up to 64 .  Surprisingly enough, South Carolina is up to 23, with Florida at 11, with 10 of them from the Tampa Bay area.  Perry and Tallahassee had none.  Note that the dangerous quadrant is to the northeast ( 0 to 90 degrees ).  These numbers are expected to further rise.  There is particular worry about North Carolina.   4.8 million lost power.   Notice how the eye of Helene has circled back to Tennessee. I read an article by John Crisp on  Live on Mars? How about life on Earth? What should be the priority of NASA?  Send people to the Moon and Mars?  Or minimize mammoth expenses by focusing on telescopic explorations to find life in our solar system and beyond? I once worked on the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence at the NASA Ames Research Center, and eight years ago Harry Jones, who works there, speculated that the  cost of the first human mission to Mars wo...


The Omicron variant is causing record shattering new cases in the U.S. and Europe.  Nearly a year ago on January 11, we reached the record seven-day average of 252,00 daily cases.   Yesterday, it was 265,427 . Tomorrow, more details. However, the  good news  from Dr. Matthew Bai of Mount Sinai Queens in New York City: The general trend that I’m seeing is, if you’re boosted and you get Covid, you really just at worst end up with   bad cold symptoms.   It’s not like before where you were coughing, couldn’t say sentences and were short of breath. Further: Dr. Joseph Varon , chief of critical care services and the Covid-19 unit at Houston’s United Memorial Medical Center, said of the roughly 50 patients admitted to the hospital’s Covid unit in the last four weeks, 100 percent of them were unvaccinated . The bottom line is that if you were vaccinated with a booster, and got infected, the ailment was minor.  If unvaccinated, the Omicron variant seems to...