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Showing posts with the label South Pacific


If you've been following my blog, you know that Tuesdays are for nostalgia, and that I've been looking back at those postings featuring Pearl's Ashes.   Last week it was Africa .  Today, the island of Kauai, for a whole chapter of a possible upcoming book,  Pearl's Ashes , will occur on Kauai.  To quote: While she is from the Big Island, Kauai was where we mostly lived the first year of our marriage, and therefore might have been our most memorable stop.  At the Kilauea Sugar Company where I was a trainee, we were provided a cottage with the slippery slide location of the movie   South Pacific   (right, where Bloody Mary sang   Happy Talk   to Liat, played by France Nuyen--and, amazingly enough, Pearl looks just like her, and they were even born in the same year--and Lt. Cable) as our backyard. Below in 1963 with Pepper, a mostly german shepherd she raised from 6 weeks old.  He was so large that the only way I could wash him was to ...


The first half of my life was spent preparing myself for my final 42 years.  This was a mostly trying and stressful period involving a less than ideal youth, then struggles to get through school, my first few jobs and accompanying life, ending two months later on a Sunday with  Part 15E , so it was a spiritual conclusion to my final transition.  I never did count the number of actual postings, but I suspect it was around 25 parts.  The ending had to do with golf, the disappearance and re-appearance of an  8-iron cover.  That was the final clue to whether the beyond after death would be eternal gloom or Heaven. Today, I provide only one transition, but hint about a final one, for this, after all, is Sunday.  I'm 84 years old, so let me summarize what happened during the first phase, from 0-42, and follow with the years 42-84.  As this is 2024, that key transition year was 1982. I can't seem to find this photo, but as a one-year old baby, I was fat....

PEPPER: See You In Heaven

Time   magazine had three articles on Donald Trump's blow-out win in Iowa last night: Trump Dominates in Iowa . How Trump Took Control of the GOP Primary. In Iowa, Ron DeSantis Takes His Loss as a Win . Also,  Vivek Ramaswamy and Asa Hutchison dropped out , leaving three Republican candidates. You might wonder why DeSantis and Haley are continuing to run. They mostly harbor hopes that Trump will be prevented from running for president this year.  The Supreme Court could still make their dreams come true.  Clearly, court cases won't be any factor.  And Trump is in a New York court today. Odds are fair that Haley could beat Trump in New Hampshire, with DiSantis a distant third. However, the Donald will embarrass Nikki in her home state of South Carolina, and the end result will be similar to Iowa, with DeSantis this time in third place.  That will occur on February 27. So if Trump remains eligible to run, he will be officially nominated in mid-July. One reaso...


I grew up in my family, went to college and always had roommates, graduated and spent six months in Naalehu, mostly alone, then got married, until my wife passed away 47 years later.  I then lived a single life for five years, moving next door into 15 Craigside six years ago, joining 200 others in our seniors' community.  That pretty much sums up my 80 years.  I enjoyed the solitude, but feel comfortable around people. I'm now here at 15 Craigside for the rest of my life because they promised to take care of me forever, even if I run out of money.  Of course, the catch is that they only let you in if you can afford it, and make sure you never deplete your resources. Life here has been, make that great.  We just got notified that our Moderna vaccination will come soon.  It is amazing that we have not had even one COVID-19 case among the 15 C residents.  In the USA, with less than 1% ( 0.8% ) of the national population,  45% of all pandemi...