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Today,  March 14 is Pi Day,  that mathematical constant 3.14...  Thus, the third month of the year, March 14.  Sometimes this day is honored on July 22 because 22 divided by 7 is a very close approximation of pi.  UNESCO in 2019 designated Pi Day as the International Day of Mathematics. Celebrations often involve eating pie or some kind of pi recitation.  Founded in 1988 by Larry Shaw of the San Francisco Exploratorium.  Although there is no practical reason to calculate pi to so many digits, a Swiss team found the first 62.83 trillion of them. Two bits of politics before I get into the Norovirus.   Delay...delay...delay .  When one wants to delay a court trial, it's because you're guilty.  That's certainly the case with Donald Trump, and looks like his strategy is working.  Pushing these trials until next year is key to his avoiding jail, for if he beats Biden, Trump can pardon himself or kill the process if he becomes president.   The Florida documents case will be pushed


There were  Odysseus   ( who Homer in Greek mythology said traveled 10 years, mostly at sea, trying to return from the Trojan War ) and   Phileas Fogg   ( that Jules Verne character played by David Niven in a 1956 film who traveled around the world ), so our five-week trip to Japan was not particularly adventurous.  While most of our journey was indeed wonderful, there were some disappointing moments.  Yet, the best part of these long expeditions is returning home. After my wife passed away 14 years ago, I traveled the world several times, partly to drop off her ashes at monumental sites.  There were  MUGA 2013  ( by click on that, you can access every day of my 51-day global adventure ) and  GAWA 2015  that were exceptional. But since early in 2019, there has been a travel partner, who makes the experience different and better.  I generally keep her out of this blog by request, but in my advancing years, I need all the help I can get, plus there are added benefits. Our combined cruise