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Showing posts with the label Leonardo DiCaprio


If you search for any list of the greatest humans of all-time, you will find religious people tend to dominate, and they're all male.   Here is one with Jesus Christ at the top.  Next are scientists/technologists, with world leaders also prominent.  In this list of 100 there are only two females, Queen Isabela at #65 and  Queen Elizabeth I ( not II ) as 94, among 98 men.  A case can be made that it's harder to gain fame these days: Five years ago, I wrote a tongue firmly in cheek posting on   ELON MUSK vs PAT TAKAHASHI .  A few friends thought it was hilarious.  On this Sabbath, I toyed with doing a similar analysis involving Jesus Christ.  Then I thought, nah, it would probably not be taken in good humor by some.  So what about a famous artist-technologist like Leonardo da Vinci? Leo has it all over me in the art department, for he painted the Mona Lisa ( worth $850 million ) and the Last Supper ( only around $100 million )....