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Showing posts with the label eggs


Two more Trump matters.  To no one's surprise, Robert F. Kennedy was confirmed this morning as his Secretary of Health and Human Resources.  All Democrats and Republican Senator Mitch McConnell were the only no votes.  Will this become the worst cabinet in all of history?  In his first term,  Donald Trump already was selected as the worst president of the USA .   From  BCTV : The Trump cabinet is receiving a lot of attention lately-most of it bad. The details vary, but much of the unwelcome spotlight focuses on the quality of the cabinet – or lack thereof.  This is the cabinet Trump himself called “by far the highest IQ of any Cabinet ever assembled.”  Others, less kind perhaps, have branded it “the worst cabinet in American history.”  Individual cabinet members have been proclaimed, “dumb,” “stupid,” “illiterate,” “incompetent,” “moronic,” and panoply of other less than complimentary terms . Also, the  Washington Post  ag...


You would think it would be a simple matter to compare the nutrient value and caloric content of two eggs versus tuna packed in water.  The  Star Advertiser  had the  following graphic  from U.S. Agricultural Research Services of the Department of Agriculture that surprised me, but that is because there was a serious flaw: Let me start with tuna: Good source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids and B vitamins. However, can contain  mercury . Most of the mercury come from coal burning. However, volcanic eruptions can also add mercury. Tuna contains more mercury than salmon, oysters, lobster, scallops and tilapia. Mercury is not easily excreted and builds up in tissues over time. Depends on the type of tuna ( in parts per million ): Light canned tuna:  0.126 ( light means a smaller tuna species ) White Albacore tuna:  0.350 Yellowfin tuna, fresh or frozen:  0.354 Bigeye tuna, fresh or frozen:  0.689 Bluefin tuna, fresh or frozen:  0.8 Merc...