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Showing posts with the label Marc Anthony


Yesterday I declared nothing much was happening around the world worthy of my time.  Today, okay, that was a gross minimization of the reality.  The world population will reach 8 billion in just about a year.  All kinds of things are occurring.   For example, what about the shock that none of the defendants ( whittled down to worst four ) were convicted of the planned kidnap, trial and possible murder of  Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer !  Why? Overly aggressive FBI informants. Michigan law  since 1931 provides for a mandatory life sentence for conspiracy to commit murder. Perhaps a plot is not a conspiracy, but whatever, the defense did well.  Apparently this is indeed a free country and you can say almost anything you want. The far right has stoked potential violence to a new normal. How ballsy of UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson walking around the ruins of Kyiv with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.  Wait a minute, isn't he a...