I'm on a cruise, so that determines what I post. However, I'll maintain a sense of order by continuing these daily themes whenever possible. Monday: top news of the day and politics. Tuesday: nostalgia. Wednesday: science and technology. Thursday: COVID-19 pandemic. Friday: something more lighthearted. Saturday: entertainment. Sunday: spiritual. So far, yes, yesterday, continuing into today, something newsworthy, which was the Academy Award ceremony. But first today I reach into my past, and my mind at this moment, is way back into 1958 when I went to Stanford instead of Cal Tech, because I just read in Quora the following about my second choice. Yaear Ben Follow BS in Physics, Caltech 09 8y What should everyone know about Caltech? It's small. REALLY small People(including students) often don't understand how small, and how it changes everything. The deans know EVERY student by name. If you want to change something...

New SIMPLE SOLUTIONS for PLANET EARTH AND HUMANITY: This blog site derives from the original version of Planet Earth & Humanity, but will be more WE than ME. The coverage will remain similar, but perhaps these postings will seem to come from a parallel universe, or maybe even Purgatory. But truth and reality will prevail, with dashes of whimsy and levity to help make your day.