A week ago I posted on Electric vs Hydrogen Vehicles . Today, someone sent me a video of a Japanese company called Genepax which is marketing cars that run ONLY on water. Let's see now: They say it runs on hydrogen from water. So only water needs to be added. Great, for you now don't have the hydrogen storage problem. Plus, water is much cheaper than hydrogen. There is a magic box into which you pour the water, and a chemical reaction generates hydrogen. Could this possibly be true? Well, nearly a decade ago I posted on CAN YOU RUN A CAR ON WATER? Reported is the Renaissance Project ( because we were having lunch at a the Renaissance Hotel in Seoul, Korea ) to develop a car that runs on water: My association with water and transport is an interesting story. It was in the mid-1990's when I was having lunch with Kiryun Choi ( with me to the right, professor at Ajou University ) and Ki Hyung Kim (above left, first Minister of Science and Technology for...

New SIMPLE SOLUTIONS for PLANET EARTH AND HUMANITY: This blog site derives from the original version of Planet Earth & Humanity, but will be more WE than ME. The coverage will remain similar, but perhaps these postings will seem to come from a parallel universe, or maybe even Purgatory. But truth and reality will prevail, with dashes of whimsy and levity to help make your day.