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MIRACLE OF MIRACLES: Fiddler on the Roof

  The USA yesterday had more new COVID-19 cases than the next 10 countries combined .  Our death rate is 4.6 times that of the World.  The USA had 190,165 new cases, while China had 33.  We had 1,987 deaths.  China had none. About the Georgia Senate run-off elections today, one factor that could make a difference is the current brouhaha between Donald Trump and the Republican leadership of Georgia.  At one time Governor Brian Kemp was Trump's #1 sycophant, who is now Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.  So, anyway, if Trump's vitriol toward these Georgia Republican leaders ( Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and Kemp, right ) turns off only 2% of Republican and Independent voters--after all these individuals have some devoted friends in the state--both Democratic Senatorial candidates will prevail.  The election will be awfully close under any circumstance.  It is that tiny margin of difference that will make the difference. Over the past coup...