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Showing posts with the label peak oil


Two weeks ago I indicated that on Tuesdays I would chronologically traipse through my past postings and selectively repeat the few that are important or monumental in some way.  However, I skipped last week and this, so will make it up today.  If I use one/month, it would take me 12 years to get to the present.  So clearly I need to be more selective.  Nevertheless, I only went one month from my  first one , but just had to choose  my blog of 31May2008  for featuring today, as it reported on my very first  Huffington Post  article.  Note that here and there I will add graphics and editorialize as necessary. SATURDAY, MAY 31, 2008 WELL, BARACK, WE HAVE A PROBLEM... ...and you have the power to provide the solution. Why you? The United States is the most powerful nation, ever. Today, and for the next generation, no other country will be anywhere close to our military and economic dominance. You will have a once in a millennium opportunity ...