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Showing posts with the label fusion


Energy Matters today from the American Energy Society's 19August2024 issue : Global warming remediation. Seems awfully expensive, but the largest Direct Air Capture and Storage of Carbon Dioxide, 36,000 tons of CO2/year, is the plant at Mammoth in Hellisheioi, Iceland. The biggest one in the U.S. was launched this month in Northern Oklahoma.  5.000 tons/year. Said to cost $200 per metric ton, about the highest of all the options. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)  can cost today as low as $50/ton. However, this "low" cost would still increase electricity cost by 5 cents/kilowatt-hour in a coal-fed powerplant. Implementation is increasing , but very slowly, because there is still no carbon tax. Industry is experimenting and will not move forward unless real decisions are made to combat global warming.   Cost prohibits any use at home, so applications range from heavy industry to natural gas processing to hydrogen production. CCS is especially necessary in synthetic fue...


I've lived a life where I have been able to professionally dabble in pure fantasies. Three years with the U.S. Senate working on energy and the environmental legislation.  I drafted the bill that created the national hydrogen program in 1979.  Worked on laser fusion at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence ( SETI ) at the NASA Ames Research Center.   I had a full career in renewable energy, directing the Hawaii Natural Energy Institute at the University of Hawaii and co-founding the Pacific International Center for High Technology Research. Here is a  nine-year old posting providing some details on my experience with fusion .  in the mid-1970's I remember having an apartment adjacent to Wente Brothers, and watching the Watergate hearings.  That was almost half a century ago.  At the  end of 2022 : Lawrence Livermore first achieved a net energy gain in a fusion experiment using lasers. That...


Nearly a dozen years ago I wrote an article for  The Huffington Pos t on  Star Power for Humanit y.  The latest June issue of  Scientific American  featured  Star Power: What is the future of fusion energy?   You can click on that link for the full article.  I'll summarize: This past December, the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory ( LLNR ) claimed a breakthrough in attaining net positive with their laser fusion system.  No one had ever done that before. As an aside, I worked there in the 1970's on that project, and left because I could not envision the laser that would accomplish this task.  Can you believe that was around half a century ago? The bad news is that net positive is a long way from commercialization.  And certainly, that intriguing ultimate laser has not yet been invented. Well anyway, this article was written by Philip Ball, a British science writer who is my same age.  He has a PhD in physics from Bristol Un...


Two major news stories recently about hydrogen. In September the White House launched a generational  $7 billion hydrogen plan. Then this month the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNR) announced a  momentous breakthrough in harnessing controlled nuclear fusion . When I retired in 1999 I took on the gargantuan task to help save Humanity and Planet Earth.  Wrote several books on the subject.  Two of my early contributions were, one, in 1979 drafting the first hydrogen bill when I worked in the U.S. Senate.  And second, this was after spending two stints at LLNR working on the laser fusion program.  I keep telling people that I'm here just to plant seeds for the future.  Well, such good news more than 40 years later is fine enough for me. Long ago I became enamored with  hydrogen , for our Sun and all the stars generate energy by fusing this gas.  It is the most abundant element in the Universe.  Combust hydrogen in our atmosphere,...