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Showing posts with the label coffee


At one time tea, and especially coffee, were on the negative list for your health.  Then both drinks gained in  respect by health authorities. More recently tea has further improved its standing, even for resulting in loss of weight.   More so than coffee. Healthline lists  six best teas to lose weight and belly fat .  This aromatic beverage is most commonly made from the leaves of  Camellia sinensis , a type of evergreen shrub native to Asia. Green tea. 11 studies have shown that green tea should help reduce BMI for those with type 2 diabetes.  But will it work if you are normal?  Probably, too. It is believed that catechins, naturally occurring antioxidants in the green, increase your metabolism for gat burning. Matcha, a highly concentrated powedered green team also works. Puerh tea. This is a type of Chinese black tea that has been fermented. Has an earthy aroma that increased with time of storage. Animal studies also show that puerh tea ...


The medical profession generally discourages alcohol drinking at any age.  Basically, alcohol has caused traffic accidents, ruined family relationships and generally harmed the body of those who drink to excess.  For example,  alcohol is a factor  in about: 30% of suicides. 30% of fatal motor vehicle crashes. 40% of fatal burn injuries. 50% of fatal drownings and homicides. 65% of fatal falls. Over the past few decades, though,   research has shown that : Moderate drinking makes you 25% to 40% less likely to have a heart attack, stroke or suffer from hardening of your arteries. Turns out that "small" amounts of alcohol can raise your high density lipoprotein (HDL), which removes other forms of cholesterols from your body, thus lowering the risk of heart disease. Alcohol also increases bone density and brain health. Alcohol does enhance mood, relax you and aid in combatting insomnia. 70% of American adults drink alcohol.  Which ones are best? Red wine c...


    More than 98% of recent Hawaii COVID cases are among the unvaccinated .  Further: “We know that the vaccines work. We know that it will keep you safe from the delta variant and any other strains of the SARS-CoV-2 virus,” said Health Department Director Libby Char. “So it works. It is not impossible to get an infection after you get vaccinated, but if you do you are not likely to get severely ill from it, you are not likely to get hospitalized from it, and I think that’s what’s really important.” Turns out that this would be expected , for of the 107,000 COVID-19 hospitalizations for May in the U.S., only 1,200 were vaccinated.  That is a percentage of 1.1%!!!. Better yet, of the 18,000 COVID-19 deaths in May, only 150 were fully vaccinated. That translates to 0.8%. The U.S. deaths/day peak occurred in January at 3400/day.  This has been cut by more than a factor of 10 to 300/day. 53% of Americans are now fully vaccinated.  Arkansas is among the worst, o...