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The  Rijksmuseum  is the national museum of the Netherlands, dedicated to Dutch arts and history. Founded in 1798. The current structure opened in 1885. Ten years of renovation from 2003 to 2013 cost $400 million and re-opened by Queen Beatrix. 2.5 million visitors/year. Has about a million objects from the years 1200 to 2000, but only displays 8,000 or so of them at a time. Rembrandt is the star of the show. A special hall was created for The Night Watch in 1906.  This is the Rijksmuseum equivalent of the Louvre's Mona Lisa. Approaching the Rijksumuseum, we were led by my Blue-bar Pigeon to the museum. Some other works. Of course, asparaguses. The motor coach with guide of course took us from the ship to the museum, where other highlights of Amsterdam were featured. This photo shows 7 bridges. Bird nest. We returned to the ship in time for lunch. Mushroom cream soup and seafood. There was a Dutch cheese-tasting before supper.   Then, during this reception, the ...