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Showing posts with the label Delta variant


HERE IS SOME VERY VERY GOOD NEWS FOR THE ELDERLY.  From the  New York Times  this morning: Before Omicron, a typical vaccinated 75-year-old who contracted  Covid had a roughly similar risk of death — around 1 in 200  — as a typical 75-year-old who contracted the flu. ( Here  are the details   behind that calculation, which is based on  an academic study.) Omicron has changed the calculation. Because it is milder  than earlier versions of the virus,  Covid now appears to  present less threat to most vaccinated elderly people than the  annual flu does . Let me repeat:  SENIORS WHO ARE FULLY VACCINATED AND BOOSTED, IF YOU GET INFECTED WITH THE CURRENT COVID-19 DISEASE, YOUR MORTALITY RATE WILL BE  LESS  THAN THE ANNUAL FLU.  I'm exaggerating here, but perhaps if you get all the necessary shots, and are so unlucky as to get infected by the Omicron variant ( which is now by far the dominant strain around the world ), this will be like just catching the common cold!!!  An important facto


This Omicron variant mostly infects the unvaccinated and partially vaccinated.  There are two classes of people in these categories:  the idiotic and children. Well, that was uncalled for, as in the idiotic category are some with possibly sincere religious or medically sound reasons.  As of this moment, no one lower than the age of 16 has been fully vaccinated and boosted.  How do I know?  Well, the FDA just yesterday authorized a  third dose of the Pfizer vaccine for children from ages 12-15 .  This 0-15 age category represents around  23%  the population of the country. In one headline I saw that the  omicron variant is 70 times more contagious than the delta variant .  Another this morning said  children are being hospitalized with Covid-19 at record numbers .  Yet another indicated that  omicron is less severe because it does not infiltrate the lungs .  So how can there be such a flood of children in hospitals? Very simple.  Those 4 and younger cannot yet be vaccinated.  Those 5-15


  I looked closer at the   Worldometer  and   Our World in Data   for COVID-19 this morning, and can make several observations: The World is approaching 300 million cases and 5.5 million deaths, a mortality rate just under 2% and 0.75 deaths/1000.  On the last number, picture a thousand people.  Less than one death. The USA has 56 million cases and will soon reach one million deaths, a mortality rate of 1.5% and 2.5 deaths/thousand.  For a thousand people, 2.5 deaths.  In a two-year period ( to be about equal to the time frame of these COVID-19 deaths ), there would be 3.6 cancer deaths in the U.S. Japan has 1.7 million cases, 18,393 deaths, mortality rate of 1% and 0.15 deaths/capita. Denmark has a tests/capita rate of 18.5, with #2 Austria at 13.7, and the UK at 5.9.  The U.S. has a tests/capita of 2.4. Fully vaccinated % ( not including booster ) UAE  91% Portugal 90% Singapore  87% Cuba  85% China  84% Japan  78% UK  70% European Union  69% U.S. 62% Asia  57% India  44% Egypt  20%