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Showing posts with the label upside down


Before I focus on the safest countries in the world, a quick run through of "newsworthy" items.  This is a regular Monday workday for most, but not West Virginia because  Governor Jim Justice  issued an executive order declaring today to be an official holiday for all public employees.  Tomorrow, July 4, is a day off for all in the USA, including West Virginians. I once loved roller coaster rides.  Not anymore, mostly because of old age.  Plus, I saw on TV one of them in Crandon, Wisconsin, with  riders stuck upside down ...for hours.  They were rescued. Turns out this happens a lot.   Watch this one after a power outage  in North Carolina. These riders were stuck for 45 minutes.  Everyone survived, and got two vouchers to return. On the other hand, some love going upside down in a roller coaster.  Here are  five of the tallest  that by design go upside down.  You got to watch this video.  The most severe is  Valravn at Cedar Point  near Sandusky, Ohio.  Itself has broken 10