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  Until Omicron, Japan had managed to keep COVID-19 at bay.   However, this pandemic has bitten the country, and new cases over the past few days have been averaging around 100,000/day.   While that is only around 800/million population, the U.S. was #2 in new cases yesterday, but we are now down to 536/million.   Hawaii was once up to 4466/million a month ago, but yesterday dropped to 381/million. The country with the most new cases yesterday was Germany with 212,724, or 2532/million. Denmark is way up there at 8110/million.  As terrible as it has been,  the country began to lift restrictions last month, and earlier this month became the first European nation to say no face masks necessary anymore.  They don't even check your vaccination status in bars and restaurants.   Said Prime Minister Mette Fredricksen,  we welcome a completely open Denmark .  Am I missing something??? However, not as bad as Reunion in the India Ocean at 33,976/million and Martinique in the Caribbean with 22


Before answering that question, I'll start with something really important.    How to use a N95 mask more than once.     I largely provided this information last week, but it doesn't hurt to repeat by indicating my variation to a  Wirecutter   article. Get seven small paper bags, each big enough to hold a N95 mask.   Write a different day of the week on the bags:  Sunday, Monday, etc. Place a N95 mask in each. Wear the mask of that day, and after doing so, place it back into that bag. This virus is supposed to die after three days of exposure. They say four days should be sufficient, so five is safer.  Seven might be more convenient for there are seven days in the week.  A typical box of N95 NIOSH masks holds 20. A few other points: Moisture, especially from vigorous use working out in a gym could wet your mask.  This is why you use a paper bag because it breathes, unlike a ziplock bag. Place the paper bag near a dry sunny window.  But  keep the sun from striking the bag . If y