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Showing posts with the label endive salad


Day 26 was another wonderful day at-sea on the Norwegian Encore.  We made reservations to dine at the special French restaurant, Le Bistro.  Walking there, we passed the pool. Dinner began with champagne. We then splurged on a paid bottle of Silverado Cabernet Sauvignon, which set us back around $100. The escargot on this ship is really good. Mushroom soup and endive salad to start, The Endive Salad is the best we'll have in our whole trip. Rack of lamb. An assortment of desserts.  In a typical expensive French restaurant, this meal would have cost us at least $400, but we only paid for the wine, Then on to the Social Club for the Abba Band playing ABBA. Followed by karaoke in The Cavern Club. Back to our room, where we saw the 2015 The Martian, with Matt Damon.  Rotten Tomatoes score of 91/91.  Walked 2455 steps today Lunch on Day 27, On the matter of living on a cruise ship forever,  I've in the past covered this subject . The average cruise ship passenge...

PRIDE OF AMERICA: Maui to the Big Island

Although I am on a Hawaii inter island cruise, I have continued to keep track of this COVID pandemic.   For example : The CDC reported that people 12 years and older who are  unvaccinated were 17 times more likely to die of COVID-19  than those who were up to date. There are pockets of high concern (orange color) in the U.S. Hawaii is among the orange states,  The nearly 6000 new cases/day peak of January 2022 dropped to around 100/day at the end of March, but has increased to around 1000 new cases today. Since March, the deaths/day figure has increased by 20%. 20% of residents have been infected. Around 1 in a 1000 residents have died. The prediction is that  Hawaii could reach 4000 cases/day and peak in June . For the U.S. The positivity rate was 3% on April 20, and has increased to 10% today.  On 25 January 2022 the positivity was 25.7%. Chances are all positivity rates should be much lower today because many these days just take the at-home version...