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Showing posts with the label Jane Lubchenco


President Joe Biden tested negative for COVID-19.  The four shots and Paxlovid worked well. Authorities don't know how best to  de-stigmatize Monkeypox , but: The global   monkeypox outbreak   appears to mostly affect men who have sex with other men.   A study published   in the   New England Journal of Medicine   found that 98% of people diagnosed with the virus between April and June in more than a dozen countries identify as gay or bisexual men, and   the WHO says   that 99% of U.S. cases are related to male-to-male sexual contact. Maybe the best policy is to just focus on this community. As of a week ago there were  14,000 cases and only 5 deaths.   While in the past  monkeypox  had a 5% mortality rate, the strain that is currently dominating has a much lower death rate, similar to COVID-19 before vaccinations.  There is a vaccine, and if given within four days of exposure, protects about 85% of the time...