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Showing posts with the label Stephanie Grisham


Final night for the Democratic National Convention.    2,000 pro-Palestinian protesters marched yesterday.  All went well.  However, on Tuesday, there were 56 arrests at an un-sanctioned pro-Palestinian rally outside the Israeli Consulate . Froma Harrop had an excellent op-ed today on  Gutsy Republicans are Quiet Star of the Dems' Convention .  Stephanie Grisham, Trump's former press secretary, who was the first White-Houser to resign on 6January2021, shared the true character of Donald and Melania Trump.  Coming from an insider who was like family is just another confirmation of what everyone knows anyway.  Also mentioned other Republicans like Adam Kinzinger and John Giles.  Read this. Otherwise,  Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is expected to drop out of the race tomorrow and endorse Donald Trump .   Trump suggested in an interview this week that Kennedy would do an “incredible job” as a secretary of health and human services. Kennedy, a famous anti-vaccine advocate and conspiracy the


The state of American politics is, for the first time in my life, at a threshold I've never seen before.  This will not be the usual partisan Republicans vs Democrats election.  American voters will decide whether democracy will continue or not.  Surely, those MAGA types must realize what is at stake.  Or maybe not, and perhaps they want victory to fully take charge.  If so, and I warned you, don't be surprised if you lose total control to someone named Donald Trump. The Democratic National Convention has made that issue the theme of November 5.  I don't ever remember watching long segments of any political convention.  But I did beginning last night.  The driving motivation was the danger posed by Donald Trump.  All the speakers recognized this common cause, and the  Democratic Party actually yesterday released a law and order ad condemning him .  Watch it. Otherwise, there were no lowlights, and a few highlights.   Hillary Clinton's speech was her best ever.    Read a