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Showing posts with the label methane clathrate

GLOBAL WARMING: The Potentially Catastrophic Gas is Methane, Not Carbon Dioxide

I've long been paranoid about methane, which I consider to be more dangerous for the future of Humanity than carbon dioxide.  Much of my thinking came together when I wrote  SIMPLE SOLUTIONS for Planet Earth .  On 4 and 5 September 2008 I had a two part posting on this gas in the 15 part series on  THE VENUS SYNDROME ,  a book I am writing.    These are shown here for completeness.   You can skip them and just move on to the analysis after the asterisk line.          THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT METHANE  (Part 10) The chemical nature of this book has thus far mostly dealt with hydrogen, oxygen and carbon, including carbon dioxide, CO2. The simplest fossil fuel is a gas, methane (CH4). Natural gas is mostly methane. When cows flatulate and burp, methane is produced as the primary gas. In fact, a State of California study reported that dairies were the number one source of San Joaquin Valley smog. Not necessarily tongu...