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Showing posts with the label transitions


My Sundays are usually devoted to something spiritual, and sometimes personal.  About the latter topic, in May of 2014 I began a 15-part series on my life transitions.    Part 1   dealt with an overview and my early youth, while  Part 15E  a couple months later was on the afterlife. Transitions  6  and 7 caught my attention, so today, I'll focus on one of them.  After graduating from high school in 1958, off I flew to Los Angeles.  This was the first time I had left Hawaii, and this was perhaps my most monumental transition: I was fortunate that my older brother was a structural engineer with the Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory (NCEL) at Port Hueneme, California.  He got me a slot as a draftsman there and I also stayed with he and his family the whole summer ( and repeated this two more times, with the summer between my junior and senior years in Hilo, Hawaii with C. Brewer--where the   little league baseball team   pla...


The first half of my life was spent preparing myself for my final 42 years.  This was a mostly trying and stressful period involving a less than ideal youth, then struggles to get through school, my first few jobs and accompanying life, ending two months later on a Sunday with  Part 15E , so it was a spiritual conclusion to my final transition.  I never did count the number of actual postings, but I suspect it was around 25 parts.  The ending had to do with golf, the disappearance and re-appearance of an  8-iron cover.  That was the final clue to whether the beyond after death would be eternal gloom or Heaven. Today, I provide only one transition, but hint about a final one, for this, after all, is Sunday.  I'm 84 years old, so let me summarize what happened during the first phase, from 0-42, and follow with the years 42-84.  As this is 2024, that key transition year was 1982. I can't seem to find this photo, but as a one-year old baby, I was fat....

THE STORY OF MY LIFE: My Irrational Quest for Stanford

First, Happy Birthday Pat.  I still have not settled on my celebratory feast.   Today is Labor Day, and as is traditional for most holidays, I sometimes provide some background.  Here is one posting from  4 September 2017 , and at the bottom is mention of an early stage of Hurricane Irma.  She went on to become a Category 5 and caused $77 billion in damages in the Caribbean and Florida.  Incidentally, off the Carolinas right now is  Hurricane Larry  at 125 MPH.  Fortunately, he is aware of our Delta variant surge of cases and has decided not to visit the USA.  Borrowed from that article of four years ago is some wisdom from Garfield, which pretty much describes my weekend. Today I continue describing my life, but can send you to a series of 15 postings I had more than seven years ago, describing my life in chronological transitions: Part 1:  Overview and Early Youth . #2       Entering kindergarten :  trauma...