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Showing posts with the label Genghis Khan


A week ago, for science Wednesday, I wrote about   THE WORST CATACLYSM EVER FOR PLANET EARTH .  Today, what was the worst event for Humanity? Here is one viewpoint, with the gray bar indicating how many people would have died today if projected to our current population: The second world war only comes in at #11, mostly because it was too recent. China seems to monopolize this list. Not taking current population as the base,  Wikipedia  says the Khans might have disposed of 80 million, and so did Mao and Deng.  But various Marxist-Leninist leaders did away with nearly 150 million. Adolf Hitler?  "Only" 25.5 million. The  Black Death  around 1350 might have killed up to 200 million. The world population then was 370 million. Doing the math, this means if the same percentage of people in the world died, the equivalent today would be 4.3 billion, which is more than half our current population. Genghis Khan killed the equivalent of fewer than 0.8 bill...


The is the last of a three-part series on the horror of Donald Trump.  Almost certainly, Trump will for a very long time into the future be considered as the worst President of the United Status.  While others will with some reverence be considered as our POTUS, Trump will deserve the acronym PUS. But why have we had such good leaders over our more than two century history?  Is it because we invented democracy?  No , because this governmental form has been around since those hunter-gatherer days before cities formed, although some say Greece . Yet, amazingly enough, our Constitution is considered to be oldest working document of its type .  Sure, there was the 1215 Magna Carta , which brought an end to English sovereigns, but that was about all it did.  So maybe there is something about how our country is governed that cultivates beneficent presidents. Mind you, he had some accomplishments.  Here is a list drawn up by the White House .  Very, very...