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This from the  Florida Times-Union  examining the popularity of Donald Trump: Trump reflects a populist revolt against the establishment. There is a vacuum at the top of the party. Trump is a media creation. Trump is quotable to a fault and has managed to make himself the story of the week without any apparent negative effects in Republican primary polls . A national poll conducted by the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and reported in Politico found two common traits among Trump supporters: authoritarianism and a fear of terrorism. Polls conducted by the Pew Research Center show a continuing and building sense of anger. Stress on the middle class is real.   The above editorial was published on 8 February 2016!!! It has been almost eight years since the above was written.  Since then, the following has occurred: Was a terrible and dangerous President. Attempted a bold coup on 6 January 2021 that failed, where people were killed in an  attack on the U.S. Ca...