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Showing posts with the label Jennifer Lopez


Yesterday I declared nothing much was happening around the world worthy of my time.  Today, okay, that was a gross minimization of the reality.  The world population will reach 8 billion in just about a year.  All kinds of things are occurring.   For example, what about the shock that none of the defendants ( whittled down to worst four ) were convicted of the planned kidnap, trial and possible murder of  Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer !  Why? Overly aggressive FBI informants. Michigan law  since 1931 provides for a mandatory life sentence for conspiracy to commit murder. Perhaps a plot is not a conspiracy, but whatever, the defense did well.  Apparently this is indeed a free country and you can say almost anything you want. The far right has stoked potential violence to a new normal. How ballsy of UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson walking around the ruins of Kyiv with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.  Wait a minute, isn't he a...


From the New York Times this morning:  Since George Floyd’s death last May, dozens of states and local governments have   changed their laws   about police behavior. And yet police officers continue to kill about   three Americans each day   on average, nearly identical to the rate of police killings for as long as   statistics   exist. From  Allen J. Beck, Ph.D.,  Bureau of Justice Statitistics :   In 2018, based on data from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, black people were overrepresented among persons arrested for  nonfatal violent crimes (33%) and for serious nonfatal violent crimes (36%) relative to their representation  in the U.S. population (13%).   While police accountability is on trial throughout the nation, the fundamental problem of why Blacks commit crimes needs serious addressing.  Much of this has to do with family stability, education and economics.  Here is where gov...