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PART TWO: Science is on the Verge of Observing Dark Matter

The search for dark matter is occurring using telescopes and  underground laboratories.  Hundreds of PhDs using expensive telescopes and laboratories are devoting their life to this subject.  If you read my blog yesterday, you can appreciate their dedication gazing into outer space of and ruminating into the unknown. Dark Matter in space is being searched by 400 researchers from 25 centers in seven countries.   They recently reported on the results of looking at 226 million galaxies and thousands of supernova explosions.    A new dark matter map has been created by the   Dark Energy Survey .  Their conclusion is that the cosmos is more mysterious than they earlier imagined.  A pleasant way of saying that they have yet to prove the existence of Dark Matter.  But they now have a better map. The XENON project is a collaboration of over 160 scientists  mostly attempting to detect WIMPs, or Weakly Interacting Massive Particles, plus axions.  Basically, the atmosphere blocks 99.9% of radiati


This actually rarely happens.  I sat at my computer this morning, and couldn't think of what spiritual subject matter to post on this Sunday.  My TV sports-watching is in the doldrums, for all my fantasy baseball and football teams are essentially out of the running...already for the NFL.  At least I don't live in New York, whose two pro teams are 0-10 for the year, and no one in the upcoming World Series. I noticed that this is day 292 for the Year 2020, with  74 days remaining, meaning that I am right on track for reaching #1 close to New Year's Eve.  Further, and more importantly, I remain euphoric and in good health, so all is terrifically well in my cocoon called 15 Craigside.   To celebrate, I'll even skip the usual COVID-19 data from Worldometer ( you can click on that to see for yourself about today, which is always abnormally low on Sundays ).  Nothing today about this pandemic, nor Donald Trump, which should be a relief. I will go on to my favorite song #73,