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But first, a look at the week to come: Donald Trump leads Nikki Haley in the Republican primary, 244 to 24.  1215 clinches the vote. Actually, we are in the midst of the DC Republican primary, from Friday through Sunday for 19 delegates.  If Haley is ever to beat Trump, it will be in DC.   Donald Trump will crush Nikki Haley in all the 16 Republican primaries on Super Tuesday. The only question about the Republican primary is when Haley will give up. Will this happen after Super Tuesday? She represents the never-Trumpers, and this could be more than 10% of the Republican Party and Independents, those who will make the difference between Trump and Biden. Wouldn't it be nice for Republicans if they kissed and made up, with Haley campaigning WITH Trump into the future? If she hangs in there, that will only hurt Trump, for, after all, he is a lout, cheat and a huge threat to American Freedom and Democracy.  If he gets re-elected on November 5, that will the last election in the USA for


  I yesterday again cajoled the World Health Organization on what was holding them back from announcing the end of the pandemic.  Well, after I published, they   announced the ending of the covid pandemic .   Said T.A. Ghebreyesus, WHO director general: . ..even though the emergency phase was over, the pandemic hasn’t ended, noting recent spikes in cases in Southeast Asia and the Middle East. One of WHO's biggest mistakes was that they recommended AGAINST mask-wearing in public during the early months.  They also were reluctant to warn people about the real danger of asymptomatic individuals. Mentioned was President Trump for his terrible response to the pandemic, with the U.S. experiencing the most deaths, more than a million.   While true, we were #1 in total deaths, with 1,162,403 deaths, the USA was #15 in deaths/million population with 3472.  Peru was #1 with 6537, Bulgaria #2 with 5601 and Hungary  with 5085. In total deaths, #2 Brazil with 701,833, #3 India 531,642, #4 Russi