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Showing posts with the label H2 Clipper


I haven't been active, but  I am a member of the World Business Academy .  I've known the President & Founder, Rinaldo Brutoco, for a long time.  In my mind, I'm sure I helped spur his original interest in hydrogen.  Read this  article from  Financial Times : “People said Steve Jobs was crazy. Why would anybody want a personal computer? Why would I want a fax machine? Why would I want an automobile, when horses do such a good job? All of these disruptive changes occurred because the economics are overwhelming,” says entrepreneur Rinaldo S Brutoco from his home in Santa Barbara, California. “That's what's going to happen here. It's no longer a question of whether hydrogen is going to happen. We are going to be in a hydrogen economy. Mark my words, hydrogen will be bigger than the Industrial Revolution.” Hydrogen fuel, as Brutoco would be the first to tell you, is a more sustainable alternative to fossil fuels that creates fresh water as its only byproduc...


About my posting yesterday on  MY LIFE , in the first month of this blog I also had a  MY LIFE .  Then on  26April2022 , dressed that first version up with some graphics.  Not much different from that of yesterday. However, I almost purposefully left out some of my life highlights, so rather than go back and add them to my posting yesterday,  here are some of them . My professional life, from first graduating, where I went into biomass engineering, to my academic career where I became a full professor of engineering and spent much of my years at the University Hawaii in the full spectrum of green energy, a satisfying honor came from the American Association of Civil Engineers, the Stephen D. Bechtel Jr. Energy award at their annual conference in 1999. Within the field of renewable energy, I was most active in ocean activities. Drafted the ocean thermal energy conversion bill that became law. Served as Secretary of the Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii and...