Some of us can't hear so well, me among them. But will this condition lead to dementia? I can tell you the answer now...YES. But are there ways to delay or avoid that condition? Read this posting to find out how. Here is another more scientific graphic. The bottom line is that there are a lot of people in our society struggling with disabling hearing loss. 45-54 5% 65-74 22% 75+ 55% But those are the disabling unfortunates. There is a transition to get to this stage, and a hearing aid can help. There is a term for this ailment: presbycusis ( prez-buh-KYOO-sis ), or age-related hearing loss . For Americans 18 and older, 15% suffer from this ailment, or 37.5 million people. This number is 55% if you are older than 74. Generally, both ears are affected. Because the loss is gradual, you may not realize you are getting...

New SIMPLE SOLUTIONS for PLANET EARTH AND HUMANITY: This blog site derives from the original version of Planet Earth & Humanity, but will be more WE than ME. The coverage will remain similar, but perhaps these postings will seem to come from a parallel universe, or maybe even Purgatory. But truth and reality will prevail, with dashes of whimsy and levity to help make your day.