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Showing posts with the label Jeff Bezos and Blue Origin


Well,  Jeff Bezos and his Blue Origin crew safely returned .  However, they only went up, then back, and did not make a global tour. Dr. Anthony Fauci and Senator Rand Paul sparred again today .  Never seen Fauci so authoritative. Senator Paul is an ophthalmologist, but he keeps pushing the Republican party line with no real proof. Still scheduled to board the Island Princess next year on January 19 for a penultimate 111-day global cruise.  This would be my first ship-only around the world adventure. My travel partner and I need to be in Okinawa next Fall for an important gathering, so we thought, what about a final and ultimate world journey beginning in October of 2022?  We could then work in another stop in Dubai to better see that country, a Christmas River Cruise in Europe, the Expo 2023 in Buenos Aires, and back home through North America. Here is a first draft that will be adjusted, for Buenos Aires is not yet included, I've always wanted to return to Mau...