I was sent this You Tube link to Shang Palace , a restaurant located in the Shangri-La Hotel in Paris, which has one Michelin star as the only Chinese eating establishment in the city so honored. But I remembered dining in Michelin-starred restaurants before, in the Orient, so there must have been something more to all this. I found an article entitled : Why don’t more Chinese restaurants get Michelin stars? Dirty, unhealthy and unsophisticated – is that what Michelin’s snobby Western foodies really think? To quote: So how did Chinese food become the poster child for “dirty”, unhealthy or unsophisticated food in Western societies? Many Western critics don’t quite understand why Chinese food comes in the form it does. Why do the Chinese eat chicken or duck feet, or why the organs of an animal might be considered the most prized and delicate part? They see jellyfish or fish heads and this sort of food is alien to them. It is true that, over the years, a lot o...

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