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Showing posts with the label Sound of My Voice


First, two comments about our president, Donald Trump.   Remember how I've been telling you that Trump failed in his 6January2021 coup attempt mostly because he had no real control of the Department of Defense? Well, he is acting more swiftly than I thought, for  yesterday he fired the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General C.Q. Brown , who has been in the military for over 40 years, whose term in this position was supposed to end in September of 2027.   Trump gave no explanation on why. Trump also replaced Admiral Lisa Franchetti, head of the U.S. Navy, as well as the Air Force Chief of Staff and the judge advocates general for the Army, Navy and Air Force.  They ensure enforcement of military justice. Representative Seth Moulton, a Massachusetts Democrat, said the firings were "un-American, unpatriotic, and dangerous for our troops and our national security. This is the definition of politicizing our military," he said. President Trump now ha...

UFOs: Part 3--Best Films and Documentaries

  I'll pass today on Afghanistan, COVID-19 and politics.  I began a UFO series last week, and will conclude today with some viewing options. My conclusion is that like religion and ghosts, UFOs remain in a stage below even paranormal phenomena.  But that doesn't mean you can't enjoy a film or documentary to keep your curiosity active. Interestingly enough, there is a  2009 book  on this subject by Chris Hallquist.  You should know that he has been president of Atheists, Humanists and Agnostics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison since 2005.  There are  other points of view , of course.  One is Geta Christina of  Why Are You Atheists So Angry ? But this is not a Sunday, so let me go on to the the topic of the day.  What can you see on your TV set? For example, I just saw on Netflix  Top Secret UFO Projects , a series with six episodes.  I watched all, and wonder why.   Rotten Tomatoes  did not bother to re...