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Showing posts with the label Cambodia SkyFest 2023


  From the 11 September 2023 American Energy Society,  Energy Matters : True or False?  Global warming is becoming so serious that the world is now using less coal.  FALSE.  However, mostly Asia is increasing usage. -   In 2022, global coal consumption increased 3.3% to 8.3 billion tons, setting a new record.   That record will be broken in 2023 due to increased industrial use of coal in Asia.   Indeed, China, India and Southeast Asian countries consume   3 out of every 4 tons   of coal worldwide.   China, India and Southeast Asian countries together are expected to account for 3 out of every 4 tonnes of coal consumed worldwide in 2023. Is this a solution for global warming? ( Hint:  I don't think so .) -   It takes a lot of energy and equipment to capture CO2 before it escapes into the atmosphere. However, MIT researchers have designed a   capture   system   that uses an electrochemical cell at room te...