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Showing posts with the label Hurricane Katrina


Sunday is usually a spiritual day today, so I'll continue with something called the Super Bowl.  Of course, this event is not today, for Super Bowl 59 will play next Sunday.  The game itself, for me, is incidental to what I drink and eat before and during the TV spectacular.  I do this for special TV sports events like the Kentucky Derby. A long time ago, growing up in Honolulu, I listened ( only radio available ) to the San Francisco 49ers.  So they were my team. Then, I went to Stanford University in 1958, and I was pleasantly surprised to see that the 49er's games were televised in our dormitory TV.  In black and white. Returning home to work in Hawaii, games were not televised live. 1965/6/7 was a monumental period for  viewing football. The  first color broadcast of a regular-season NFL game occurred on Thanksgiving day, 26November 1965 . On  19November1966, Hawaii received our first live television broadcast  from the mainland, and it w...


                     From  Worldometer  (new  COVID-19 deaths yesterday):     DAY     USA    WORLD      Brazil      India      South Africa June     9     1093     4732         1185        246       82 July    22      1205     7128         1293      1120     572 Aug    12      1504     6556        1242        835     130 Sept     9      1208      6222       1136       1168       82 Oct     21      1225      6849 ...


  That is my view from where I sit writing my blog this morning.  I will shortly be at the Ala Wai Golf Course, and a perfect day is predicted.  The weather, that is.  Hawaii has this year been spared of serious hurricanes.  There are two ocean disturbances in the East Pacific, but neither one should threaten us. Today, people in Florida, specifically just north of Fort Meyers, will suffer the worst day of their lives, for Hurricane Ian, at 155 MPH, will any moment now as I write this make landfall over those islands facing Port Charlotte.  Much of them won't be the same in a short while because of the storm surge, of perhaps up to 20 feet.  Ian became a hurricane only Monday, and could well still attain Category 5 strength, which begins at 157 MPH.  Gusts are up to 190 MPH.  Here is something I learned from my time involved with wind power.  The energy of wind increases by the cube of the velocity.  Thus, image standing in winds of...


  Before I get into the very dangerous Hurricane Ida approaching New Orleans, a few other news items of the day: The USA suffered yesterday with 190,370 new cases and 1304 new deaths. #2 Mexico had 835 new deaths with "only" 20,633 new cases. #2 India with 46,805 new cases had 514 new deaths. Hawaii had our worst day ever, 1035 new cases and 9 new deaths.  Interestingly enough, Florida had the highest number of new cases with 27,584, but only 8 new deaths.  Hmmm... The U.S. has now passed  100,000 evacuations  from Kabul Airport, which will come to halt on Tuesday.  Lots of fears, but no particularly serious after-attacks. The NCAA women's volleyball season began yesterday with Hawaii beating Fairfield, and will play Marquette tonight, with Texas A&M tomorrow.  Two stars were first year freshmen. The NCAA football season began today, with Hawaii at UCLA in the Rose Bowl on ESPN. So on to  Hurricane Ida , at this writing only a Category 1....