The Omicron variant is causing record shattering new cases in the U.S. and Europe. Nearly a year ago on January 11, we reached the record seven-day average of 252,00 daily cases. Yesterday, it was 265,427 . Tomorrow, more details. However, the good news from Dr. Matthew Bai of Mount Sinai Queens in New York City: The general trend that I’m seeing is, if you’re boosted and you get Covid, you really just at worst end up with bad cold symptoms. It’s not like before where you were coughing, couldn’t say sentences and were short of breath. Further: Dr. Joseph Varon , chief of critical care services and the Covid-19 unit at Houston’s United Memorial Medical Center, said of the roughly 50 patients admitted to the hospital’s Covid unit in the last four weeks, 100 percent of them were unvaccinated . The bottom line is that if you were vaccinated with a booster, and got infected, the ailment was minor. If unvaccinated, the Omicron variant seems to...

New SIMPLE SOLUTIONS for PLANET EARTH AND HUMANITY: This blog site derives from the original version of Planet Earth & Humanity, but will be more WE than ME. The coverage will remain similar, but perhaps these postings will seem to come from a parallel universe, or maybe even Purgatory. But truth and reality will prevail, with dashes of whimsy and levity to help make your day.