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Showing posts with the label USA


I did say I would post more about the Doomsday Clock today, but I'll wait till a later date to instead write about more topical matters. First, about that horrible  Reagan National Airport air collision  between an American Airlines flight holding 64 passengers and crew from Kansas and an Army helicopter manned by three.  There were no survivors. I still remember a  similar incident on 13January1982  when I was working in the U.S. Senate.  On a cold and snowy day in the later afternoon, Air Florida 90 left Washington National Airport, but crashed soon after takeoff into the 14th Street Bridge, killing 78.  Five on the flight survived, but four motorists on the bridge died.  An unrelated accident shut down one of the Metro lines at around the same time, and it took me till midnight to get home. Why he does this is really inexcusable, but...the  New York Times  this morning  said: Trump, Without Citing Evidence, Blames D.E.I. and Demo...


Track and Field events have started.    I guess I don't keep up with this field, because I was surprised to see a qualifying heat called mixed relay, that involved teams of two females and two males.  Also, there is now another way to qualify for individual events through something called   repechage . Whereas in previous years the qualifiers to the semifinals would include the top two or three in each heat plus 'lucky losers' who didn't finish in these places but still had fast times, the athletes who do not qualify by finishing in the automatic qualifying positions in round one heats will have a second chance to qualify for the semi-finals by participating in repechage heats. The top athletes from the repechage will then qualify for the semifinals along with the athletes who finished in the top places in the initial heats.  where someone can be racing in a heat of losers, and win.  This option is only available from the 200 meter through 1500 meter r...