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Showing posts with the label Nomadland


About who gets vaccinated in the USA, the signs are clarifying:  Republicans and the less-educated working class ( including Republicans, but, mostly meaning Blacks and Hispanics ) are showing reluctance.  From the New York Times this morning: The two groups seem to have different motivations. For Republicans, the attitude is   connected   to a general skepticism of government and science. For Black and Hispanic Americans, it appears to stem from the country’s legacy of providing substandard medical treatment, and sometimes doing   outright harm , to minorities. This poll did not break out Asian-Americans, but other Kaiser surveys have, and it’s consistent: Asian-Americans have a   higher median income   than Black, Hispanic or white Americans and   also a higher vaccination rate . One more bit of info from the NYT : About 25 percent of unvaccinated people remain unsure whether somebody who previously had Covid should still get the vaccine, accor...


I was sent this heartwarming story of Sephardi Jews who miraculously survived the Holocaust having a son who went on to lead an effort to develop a vaccine for COVID-19.  Maybe it's a natural inclination to treat all ethnicities and worshipping beliefs equal, or ignorance, but it occurred to me that at my advanced age I knew very little about the Jewish religion.   When I grew up in Hawaii, there was the dominant Caucasian sector, and everyone else as second-class citizens.  Being Japanese, there was also the matter of where Okinawans fit into this society.  My junior-year English-Social Studies teacher Mildred Kosaki and her husband had just returned from the Mainland, and she kept emphasizing the matter of Civil Rights, but we students just had no concept of Black-White relationships.  Nor were we aware that there was another group, Jews, in this national mix. Then I went away to college, when I remember a girlfriend asking me if I knew what a Jewish girl...