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Showing posts with the label Seven Stars

THE END OF LAHAINA...and more on covid

Lahaina on Maui is now no more.   You can follow the devastation from where you are.  I will provide special details tomorrow.  For now, read my posting of 29April2023 about Lahaina , the one best day of our entire 53-day Seabourn Odyssey cruise.  What we saw are now all gone. I prepared the following yesterday for posting today. Some USA Covid stats? 32% have been infected, and the percentage is probably lower/person because many have caught it twice, and some more. 2% died from Covid. 1% of those who caught Covid died. Should you contract Covid today, there is now a 0.5% chance of dying. In South Korea, those who contract Covid today have only a 0.03% chance of dying. Why this significant difference?  I don't know. The mortality rate of the seasonal flu is between 0.03% and 0.07%, depending on the year. Asymptomatic Covid victims have always been the most dangerous to spread this disease. Three years ago, the CDC thought that 35%  of  Covid cases wer...