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Showing posts with the label belief


I've been subscribing on and off to Free Inqui ry for several years.  However, I never get much of a chance to read it, the issues piled up and, because I had for the first time in a long time read all the Time , National Geographic, Scientific American , and a few other mags, just happened to pick up a 2015 issue of  FI headlined as The Myth of an Afterlife . This bimonthly treats: Common themes such as   separation of church and state ,   science and religion , dissemination of freethought, and   applied philosophy . Regular contributors include well-known scholars in the fields of science and philosophy. For the next few Sundays I'll feature articles from this publication.  First, a contribution by the editor, Tom Flynn, the Introduction to The Myth of an Afterlife : He went to Books Department to search for the keyword afterlife, and found 9,209 results.   The first page yielded only books about the afterlife.  There was no...